MediaWiki API hulp

This is an auto-generated MediaWiki API documentation page.

Documentation and examples:

meta=languageinfo (li)

(main | query | languageinfo)
  • Voor deze module zijn leesrechten nodig.
  • Bron: MediaWiki
  • Licentie: GPL-2.0-or-later

Return information about available languages.

Voortzetting kan worden toegepast als het ophalen van de informatie te lang duurt voor één verzoek.

Specifieke parameters:
Other general parameters are available.

Which information to get for each language.

The language code. (This code is MediaWiki-specific, though there are overlaps with other standards.)
De BCP-47 taalcode.
De schrijfrichting van de taal (ltr of rtl).
The autonym of the language, that is, the name in that language.
The name of the language in the language specified by the uselang parameter, with language fallbacks applied if necessary.
The short names for language variants used for language conversion links.
The language codes of the fallback languages configured for this language. The implicit final fallback to 'en' is not included (but some languages may fall back to 'en' explicitly).
The language codes of the variants supported by this language.
Waarden (gescheiden met | of alternatief): autonym, bcp47, code, dir, fallbacks, name, variantnames, variants
Standaard: code

Language codes of the languages that should be returned, or * for all languages.

Separate values with | or alternative.
Maximumaantal waarden is 50 (of 500 voor cliënten waaraan hogere limieten zijn toegestaan).
Standaard: *

Wanneer er meer resultaten beschikbaar zijn, gebruikt u dit om verder te gaan. Diepgaandere informatie over het voortzetten van query's is te vinden op

Get the language codes of all supported languages.
api.php?action=query&meta=languageinfo [in de sandbox openen]
Get the autonyms and German names of all supported languages.
api.php?action=query&meta=languageinfo&liprop=autonym|name&uselang=de [in de sandbox openen]
Get the fallback languages and variants of Occitan.
api.php?action=query&meta=languageinfo&liprop=fallbacks|variants&licode=oc [in de sandbox openen]
Get the BCP-47 language code and direction of all supported languages.
api.php?action=query&meta=languageinfo&liprop=bcp47|dir [in de sandbox openen]